| When learning is unconstrained it unlocks a world of possibility
At Chisholm Online, we’re ready to make ‘anywhere’ possible for you. Turning your aspirations into reality is possible when you have access to a full range of flexible support services throughout your learning journey; from course advisors, to e-tutors, to your student engagement team. For Amy McLean who studied for a Diploma in Community Services to pathway into a degree in social welfare, Chisholm Online was one of the only online environments that was able to help her pursue her goal. “If people have a dream and feel they can’t achieve it, studying online at Chisholm Online actually lets you work towards that dream,” she said. “The engagement team is terrific. When you’re a bit older and don’t always have the confidence because there’s been a few gaps since you’ve studied before, having those people behind you, boosting you up and giving you the confidence, helps you along the way.” Amy Hatherall agrees. She wants to start a career in mental health and is studying a dual Diploma of Mental Health and Alcohol and Other Drugs. “I was a bit nervous going into the course as I thought it was just going to be me and doing it all alone, but there are so many tools for communicating with staff and students – emails, events, forums – I really didn’t feel alone in the end.” And with a part-time job and heavy involvement with two charity organisations, one of which is a major 4000km cycling event from Melbourne to Cairns that will raise funds for cancer research and patient care, Chisholm Online has given Amy the flexibility she needs. “I’m one of the 25 riders, so to be able to train, work and have a good life balance fundraising and organising health promotion programs, Chisholm Online has been incredible so far. If I have a meeting, shift at work or training scheduled, I’m able to study at my own time and pace. I believe flexibility is an essential part of growing as a person; a good characteristic for those wanting to work in the mental health industry. As Chisholm Online General Manager, Theo Teeder explains, our courses will give you the confidence to take that crucial step towards pursuing your dream. “We future-proof your investment by building qualifications that offer graduates the best chance of getting a new job, promotion or getting back into the workforce,” he said. “We’re focusing on courses in business, health, construction and education – currently the top employing industries projected for the highest growth in the next five years. So not only are our students gaining a nationally-recognised qualification, but a qualification that is in demand.” In Jeanette’s case, she secured a promotion at her workplace after completing a Graduate Certificate in Management. “So I’m now one step further in the management career I’m after.” And for Emma, who has been studying for a Diploma of Early Childhood Education, it’s about expanding her career options while enjoying motherhood. “It means I can follow my passions and dreams to work with younger children and I’m able to do it with having a child,” she said. Theo Teeder: “We’ve created a safety net, a support structure so you’re unlikely to fail throughout your learning journey. That’s why we have one of the highest retention rates of students returning term after term to complete what they set out to do – to achieve their career aspirations.” “That’s the investment we make in terms of our learning materials, the quality of teaching support through the rigorous selection of our teachers, and the wraparound services of our student engagement team operating seven days a week, which includes technical support, study tips and on-going encouragement for our students.” At Chisholm Online, anywhere is possible. Are you ready for anywhere? For more information on all our courses, visit Chisholm Online or speak with a course advisor on 1300 275 265. But hurry. Enrolments close 7 October
| Have you ever asked for feedback from a job interview and been informed that you weren't job ready? Or perhaps you are wondering why you aren't getting calls after submitting your resume. The overwhelming trend job recruiters are seeing in the market is a lack of, what they call, 'job readiness'. So what exactly is it to be job ready and how can you achieve this? Employability and talent specialist Rebecca Fraser says, "Being job ready starts at understanding the job through to understanding the future of the job. But there are some key things that will ensure you are perceived as being job ready in your next interview". Have the right skills and qualifications for the job It seems a given, however there are a lot of people out there who just apply for jobs without looking at exactly what the needs are. While it's hard to completely fill the job requirements, if you have some of these skills and are familiar with the skills you need to have to do the job, you will go a long way to being ready to start in that job. Understand your gaps "Ok, so you may not have all of the skills and qualifications asked for in the job, but what are you doing to work on building these to increase your competence in the role? Are you being mentored, are you undertaking training, and are you practicing your skill set? You may not be able to tick the yes box, but if you can talk to what you are doing to address the gap you will look a lot more attractive!", says Rebecca Know how that role fits in to an organisation You'll never be expected to know the organisations structure up front, but if you understand the purpose of the role within an organisation, you will be able to demonstrate how your additional skills can enhance your success in the role. Have a career plan "At this stage your career plan may be just to get a new job, but having a career plan is actually really important to organisations", Rebecca explains. "By having a career plan you will generally have a greater understanding of what having this job actually means for your future, and for the needs of the organisation. It will also ensure that you understand how this position may change in the future; how advancements in technology may change the dynamics of your role and how you have catered for this in your career plan". Be able to communicate with confidence "Introvert or extravert, this is not important. Communicating with confidence is about your ability to talk with someone about who you are, what you do and why you can do this job", says Rebecca. Each position will have its own specific needs in relation to how you need to communicate, and being able to recognise this and communicate effectively to suit your role and industry is important.
If you feel a qualification will help you become job ready, have you considered online study? Chisholm Online qualifications are nationally recognised and have been chosen to meet industry demand. Best of all they're flexible, so you can study whenever and wherever suits you. Visit Chisholm Online for a full list of courses. |
| As Head of Teaching at Chisholm Online, Clare Nelson knows it's vital that students find their learning tools engaging and interactive. She says, "Creating our learning resources here at Chisholm Online is a lengthy but rewarding process. A team of writers, subject matter experts, assessment specialists and instructional designers, all work together to make the final product you see in Moodle". But where do they start? Firstly, the qualification requirements are mapped out giving the team an overview of what needs to be covered. The subject experts and writers then work in parallel with the assessment specialists to write the content ensuring it aligns closely with the assessment. As Clare says, "The online environment gives us so much more scope for variety compared to print resources as we include relevant websites, videos, podcasts and interactive tasks so the students can explore what information and support is available online". This enables students to continue their learning and update their industry knowledge long after they have graduated. Then it's over to the instructional designers who give the content a multimedia treatment to bundle together text, video, and audio files. It's at this stage that interactive tasks are created so students can check their understanding before having to do the assessments. The instructional designers add in colours and imagery to make the content engaging and exciting but also complementary of the concepts in the course. What about the assessments? Well, depending on the qualification, some are project based and some have to be completed in the workplace. What happens when we have an assessment that falls outside of those categories? According to Clare, "That's when the fun starts!" "We make animations with characters in real-life scenarios, giving the student questions throughout. The scenario enfolds according to the student's answers". A sound booth is then used to add voices to the characters in the animations. These assessments are realistic, fun to do and are very popular with the students. As Chisholm Online student Casey says, "The content is different and
never boring. Some of the slides are spoken to you and the ones that aren’t are
fun! There are small quizzes and tests as well as graphs and games. It’s really
well developed!" If online learning sounds like it might work for you, visit Chisholm Online for a full list of our courses. Our next enrolment deadline is October 7. |
| "Absolutely", says teacher Patricia Dodd who developed the Graduate Certificate in Management (GCM) course content and assessments for Chisholm Online. "GCM is designed for those who have significant industry experience looking to expand and affirm their knowledge and skills with a qualification, helping them step up to the next level in their career." And with the latest Department of Employment report on Australian jobs projecting a growth of 9.2% or 140,000 jobs in management over the next five years to 2020, graduate students are well placed to take up new career challenges. This is a short duration management qualification that is also a pathway to an MBA, perfect for those who have already completed a diploma or degree or have at least five years of industry experience. "Typically, our students hold a supervisor or team leader role with the intention of applying for a management position. Many are project managers in a specialist construction or engineering field and are looking for a solid management qualification to help them move into a broader role within their field," said Patricia. Bigger role, higher pay For Sean Winter from WA, it was employment uncertainty that triggered his decision to enrol in the GCM, ultimately securing him a new senior position. "When I learnt that the contract under which I was employed was open to competitive tender, I knew it was time for me to pursue graduate studies," said Sean. "I had 18 years of experience at Barrow Island managing the airport's administration but without a formal qualification." He wanted a course that would give him the confidence to apply for a senior position with a new company and the credibility to back up his many years of management experience. "I now have 12 ground handlers reporting directly to me in my new role, which I believe can be attributed to my success with Chisholm Online's Graduate Certificate in Management," he said. "And I was also able to negotiate a higher pay rate with this added responsibility." Meanwhile at Barrow Island Airport, Sean was able to put the lessons from the course's leading innovation module and managing change unit to good use, when airport management was officially handed over from one company to another. "We had a major gas plant being built, a helicopter hanger undergoing a total refurbishment of electrical wiring and lighting, at the same time the airport administration changed hands. A strict adherence to the management of change process enabled us to achieve all objectives without any interruption to flight schedules and services, and without any negative impact on passenger experience," said Sean. Leadership and strategic growth Tom Williamson is managing director of his family's real estate company. Initially looking for a short-term graduate qualification to recognise his diverse management capabilities in a range of small businesses, Tom has come away with much more than affirmation. "I've learnt what it really takes to be a leader, and its difference to being a manager," said Tom. "How to think differently and communicate differently to develop innovation; how to use best practice methodology and tools for strategic planning and project planning." "This course has helped guide the development of my business. We have already started strategically planning and restructuring our business for growth," he said. The next Graduate Certificate in Management intake is in July. Visit chisholmonline.edu.au for more information or call and speak with a Course Advisor on 1300 275 265. |
| Liz Atkinson is a payroll and human resource administrator. Three years ago, she started learning on the job, steadily building her knowledge and experience over time. But something felt incomplete. "I didn't have any formal qualifications for my role and I could see that it could be limiting as I advanced in my career," says Liz. "I wanted to upskill and broaden my knowledge, which is why I decided to study for a Diploma in Human Resource Management." Following nine months of study with Chisholm Online, usually after full-time work hours, Liz achieved her objectives: confidence and validation. "This is me saying, hey! I'm qualified to do this job and I know exactly why," laughs Liz, explaining that while her job hasn't changed, she now has a different mindset on how she approaches her work." "It's no more about my personal point of view. It's been replaced by a fresh business perspective," says Liz. "I understand and can explain why things need to be done a certain way; the benefits; the importance; the impact on other departments and aspects of the business." Her employer, Justin Burgoine, Managing Director at Kincrome, agrees. "Not only can we see the benefits for the development of Liz, but she's now passing that on through even myself and also back through the rest of the business where we're implementing new programs and procedures. So it's been a benefit for everybody." As Liz explains, the best thing about Chisholm Online is the flexibility to study at a time that best suits you. "The level of service they provide is fantastic. The support from the teachers, the support from the engagement staff, I would recommend it to anyone who wants to study," she said. For more information about Chisholm Online and courses, visit chisholmonline.edu.au or call on 1300 275 265 and speak directly with the Course Advisor team. |
| Looking at how you can do things a little bit differently may be the answer to your job search woes. Each of us has a unique approach to how we communicate with people for some it can be quite innovative. We have all heard about the graduate in the US whose cover letter went viral and resulted in numerous job offers. Well, it was only through his innovation and marrying his job search strategy with his personality that he achieved the result that he did. So what can you do? Little things can make a difference in your job search. If you are doing the same thing over and over again and not achieving a result, then have a think about what would make you respond if you were a prospective employer. Ideas that people have taken to include: Picking up the phone and calling someone in your network of old work colleagues. Offer to buy them a coffee instead for a change and see if they know anyone that might be interested in your skills. Contact the organisations that you have worked for previously, or those that require your skill set, and ask them what their hiring process is. This is best done on the phone but sometimes emails can also achieve a result. Contact an old manager (that you got along with!) and ask for their support in your job search. Contact all the individuals that you have had interviews with. Ask for feedback and ask them if they know of any up and coming positions. Again shout them a coffee for a change.
Some people have gone outside of the box in their job search and although we do not recommend taking on these ideas without having a plan in place, it might inspire you to think about other ideas that could work for you. Creating a Facebook/LinkedIn page inviting others to join and provide some information on the positions that you are applying for. Write a job search blog; you never know who might be interested in following such a thing. Attend a networking group with a business card where your position is "Available for all work opportunities" plus the industry or role that you are targeting.
Direct letters to organisations and phone calls are great but if they haven't been successful then it might be beneficial to change your approach. Have a think about being a little creative in your job search to build a network of opportunities. Remember however, you need to have a plan that remains professional and reflects your personality. Rebecca Fraser is a senior career coach and Director of Rebecca Fraser Consulting. |
| First impressions matter a lot. But while we put a great emphasis on our physical presentation when attending a meeting or interview, it is becoming more and more evident that we are all forgetting when the first impression actually occurs; before the interview, before even a phone call.
In today's job market we are all aware that our resume and our LinkedIn profiles are the key tools for initially getting noticed. When preparing these, focus on the following to make the best first impression, one that truly reflects who you are. 1. Write a solid resume. Triple check it to ensure there are no glaring issues that immediately raise concerns for the reviewer. These concerns may be raised by:
Spelling mistakes Inconsistencies in dates Unexplained gaps in employment Incorrect contact details Poor formatting Incorrect grammar or language.
2. Ensure your LinkedIn profile mirrors the dates and core information contained in your resume. Inconsistencies across the 2 documents will raise concerns. 3. Qualify your experience through testimonials. Ask openly in your network for recommendations and testimonials as these will enhance the impact of your first impression. Get your resume right and then get your LinkedIn profile right. Most importantly, take a structured approach to your job search starting at the beginning; plan your marketing strategy and then prepare the documents needed to get you there.
Rebecca Fraser is a senior career coach and Director of Rebecca Fraser Consulting. |
| This June Chisholm has launched a new mid-year campaign under the heading of 'Put your training to work'. In as much as a headline can deliver a campaign message, it is important in highlighting what we stand for, what our students can expect for their hard work and how to geting the most reward for their efforts. These efforts are more than being engaged in their online learning – this is a given through well designed courses and expert online teacher support. It is about knowing student motivation and goals for why they are studying and where we sit in that journey. We see it with all types of students that embark on courses with Chisholm Online; we see it with students like Amy who was volunteering as a social worker while studying with COL. The centre was so impressed with the skills she was developing through her studies with Chisholm Online, they offered her a paid position. We see it with Sonia, whose passion for team sports and coaching led her to pursue a career in education through studying with Chisholm Online. Now Sonia has a full-time job at the childcare centre where she did her work placement. Beginning with the goal in mind is clearly important. Choosing an education provider that is well resourced and professional in its approach can be the difference between completing and achieving your goals or falling short. What is less obvious are the career options and industry areas that give students their best chance of success. This is where we can add the extra layer to the standard course offerings. We focus on courses that are both in-demand now as well as looking at the future trends of the workforce and how certain industries are predicted to continue to grow. For example, employment within the education and training sector is expected to increase by 13% by 2020*. Similarly, by 16.4% in health care and by 8.3% in the construction industry*. This is why we have focused on offering courses within these three sectors, as well as a broad set of business qualifications which remain integral for all industries. In essence, this is what 'Put your training to work' is all about – get the best rewards now with a real qualification that improves job outcomes and puts you in a stronger position for the future. This is vocational education and training delivered by Chisholm. Visit www.chisholm.edu.au/proven for more information. *Labour Market Information Portal, 2016, lmip.gov.au |
| Australia's high education standards have developed a large pool of qualified teachers with specialist subject knowledge. So what makes COL teachers special? Manager of Chisholm's Professional Educator College, Brad Beach, explains that online learning is a designed virtual classroom with a vibrant connected community. It is a learning experience that requires leadership from educators who value the power of communication and support in nurturing student achievement. Research by renowned digital learning innovator, Gilly Salmon, has shown that the top reason for students logging into an online learning space is to see if anyone has responded to them. And students learn best when they feel valued and connected to others when studying. Community Vs Isolation"Online learning is a fundamental paradigm shift from self-paced distance learning where students often study in isolation. Chisholm Online is a community learning space where learners feel connected and safe with a teacher who believes in their abilities and is passionate about supporting them," says Brad. In addition, all programs are built in-line with Chisholm's Educational Excellence Framework that ensures all aspects of the learners' experience are of the highest possible quality. "So beyond teaching qualifications, experience and subject knowledge, our online teachers who are benchmarked against key capabilities within the Educational Excellence Framework, have a distinctive attitude and philosophy about their role as educators." "They are good communicators who build connectedness in an online community; they value each student and what they bring to the group; they support by keeping them on track; and they encourage by helping them break down their learning into achievable goals over short periods of time." Teachers who share your journeyCOL teachers come from a variety of backgrounds and learning experiences themselves. Often they've also had career changes and have returned to further study. They have empathy and are absolutely committed to helping students succeed. I've been there beforeAnn Murray, teacher in leadership & management When Ann started studying for a Bachelor of Applied Science in Agriculture, she was a mature aged student, already married with two young children. For 12 years after receiving her degree, she worked in the horticulture industry, managing two stone fruit orchards, later becoming an agronomist, selling soil moisture monitoring equipment to help farmers manage their pest, disease, fertilizer and irrigation programs. When a horticulture teaching opportunity came up at a TAFE, she jumped at it and discovered her true calling – being a teacher. "My manager became my mentor and he showed me that I was also capable of teaching other subjects, which led me to business and management," says Ann. "I'm now doing a PhD in Education researching the different ways students learn. I recognise that everyone learns differently and I'm good at explaining things, breaking complex issues down to their simplest form for each student that struggles with his or her understanding." "I want to be there for all my students so I just keep talking to them so they know they are not alone, logging on daily to answer questions, even encouraging them with my own personal stories." Collaborative learning is keyKarin Graham, teacher in accounting & human resource management: Karin says she's lucky to have had a great mentor in her broad finance career which spans Melbourne and London, who showed her the power of knowledge sharing in developing people and teams. She's embraced this attitude in life and as a teacher, where she always looks for ways to make her students' journeys easier. "For example, I create opportunities for the class to help, support and educate one another and I facilitate this type of communication," says Karin. "Every person, no matter their experience, education, place of birth or views has so much to offer in a group environment. The sharing of experiences, lessons and mistakes enhance their learning, particularly when stories are so much easier to remember than say a four bullet point slide." Karin, who is a specialist in forensic accounting (fraud investigation) and has managed the financial teams of large insurance and accounting firms such as Deloitte, says it is important that students not only understand the lesson materials, but also why they are studying them, in order to apply what they've learnt in the workplace. "Teaching in the online world requires a greater level of attention to student needs. If I cannot answer a question as soon as I see it, I let them know that I have seen the question and will get back to them." Timely communication and support Carolyn Campbell, teacher in business administration Carolyn has extensive administration and management experience in both the government and the private sectors, where she was largely responsible for training in organisational systems. After discovering that helping others achieve their goals gave her the most satisfaction, she undertook a diploma online, with an inspiring teacher, to become a COL teacher with a great track record for helping students complete successfully. "I educate students on the importance of the subjects they are studying, getting them to relate to a real-life experience or a scenario in the workplace to put the learning into context, says Carolyn. "Many of the online assessments are complex with lots of parts to them, so I break the assessment down, piece of piece, so they are not overwhelmed. Before they know it, they've actually worked through the assessment requirements and are ready to submit." "Throughout the course, I encourage students by providing them with specific feedback and asking them questions to think about things differently if they are having trouble understanding an activity. I also keep them on track with regular reminders of where they should be up to at any given time during the study period." "My greatest satisfaction is seeing students who have doubts about their ability, get through it and achieve what they didn't believe they were capable of learning." |
| When Ana Carolina Hernandez moved to Australia from Argentina in 2006, she found a niche teaching Spanish to primary aged students. It was during this time that she discovered her love for teaching children and decided that a diploma in early childhood education would broaden her job opportunities in this field. But the time wasn’t right. She was starting a young family and her parents in Argentina couldn’t help out. She had already found the perfect course but was mentally prepared to only pursue it when her youngest started school – still a few years away. Imagine her delight when she realised she could bring her study plans forward, right away. “It was never the right time for me; it was just impossible as a busy mother of two young children to attend classes,” said Ana. “But Chisholm Online has now made it possible. It is great to be able to do both, be a mother and study at the same time.” Ana shares her thoughts on Chisholm Online’s Diploma in Early Childhood Education: Flexibility to suit busy lives“Flexibility is one of the greatest benefits for me. I can access my study materials anytime that suits me. Sometimes I study during the day when my older son is at school and my little one is taking a nap, or in the evening when both are asleep. If I can’t study during the week, I would catch up during the weekend. This is the perfect course that suits my busy life.” Engagement that responds to individual needs “The Student Engagement Team is great and always responds to my queries promptly. Last year my older son had emergency surgery and required my care, which put me behind in my studies. I didn’t think that I could finish the module but my teacher was so supportive. She provided me with extra help which enabled me to complete the module in time.” A rich learning environment“The learning content is diverse and interesting. There are readings, videos and links to extra material to expand our understanding on a particular subject. Forums are a great way to share concerns, ideas and experiences. If I have a question, I check the forum first to see if the issue has been raised and sometimes I not only find the issue, but the answer. I like the case studies because they provide clear examples of the situations that educators deal with. I also like the quizzes and forums with each topic because they help me to understand and reflect on that specific topic.” Relevance that impacts practice“This course has contributed significantly to my professional and personal growth. As an independent language teacher, I feel more confident knowing that I have the latest knowledge and tools to handle all kinds of situations. As a mother, I can use what I learn to manage and support my own children in reaching their goals. I have a deeper understanding in my children’s behaviour, where I look for triggers and use strategies to support them. My favourite part of the course is work placement because it is the moment where I can put into practice what I’ve learnt from the many hours of reading and reflection. It is challenging and rewarding at the same time. Unexpected things happen and the learning experience is in constant movement.” You’re not alone“While you might be studying at home on your own, you’re never alone. Teachers and other students are in constant contact through messages and forums. The support and interaction is tremendous. You’ll never feel alone.”
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No, this isn't actually my picture. I just haven't gotten around to updating this section. It's good to know that someone is reading every last word though. Thanks! |