
Job opportunities & pathways, a marriage made in heaven?

18/08/2015 2:00:00 PM

​​One of the main questions we get asked by prospective students is whether to start with the Certificate IV or move straight into a Diploma level course. Often the focus is initially on the Diploma courses as these are the higher level qualifications and this is understandable. However, at Chisholm Online we have selected Cert IV qualifications that can have a real impact on where you want to go. Take for example the Cert IV in Small Business Management: this qualification is all about providing students with the skills and knowledge needed in the running of a small business. Students learn about financial planning, marketing their products & services, customer service and building successful teams. Having run a couple of small businesses myself this is exactly​ what should be covered for getting an organization up and running and set up for success.​

So, when looking at courses and training providers make sure that the course that you are enrolled in prepares you for employment in an industry area. That you are learning more about your industry/employment role as well as developing your critical thinking and reasoning, your analysis skills and your writing practice.

Completing your qualification offers you something else too; a clear pathway to further study and higher qualifications. This is where diplomas - in particular - can be a really useful introduction back into study and getting the best return from your investment in you. Chisholm Online offer Diploma into a Bachelor degree programs at Chisholm Institute (on-campus) or at one of our university partners (both on-campus and online). As a successful Diploma student you can expect to get some credit for your Diploma. Generally, you will get up to 8 subjects or one year as credit into the degree, that means that the degree will take you less time to complete. There are pathways like this for all Chisholm Online’s Diploma courses.

by Theo Teeder at 18/08/2015 2:00:00 PM in Ideas


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